
In this blog, i hope to discuss about Red Hat Linux. Basically i am going to share my experiences, problems faced and how them overcame.

With first post i will show how enable "yum" in the Red Hat Linux system.

1. Create a repo file in /etc/yum.repo directory.

#vim /etc/yum.repo/myrepo.repo

you can use either "nano" or "vim".

2. Add following statments.


save and exit
i mounted the red hat dvd to media directory. rpms are in Server directory. you can use any directory you want.

3. Open the yum.conf file.

#vi /etc/yum.conf

find the line "gpgcheck" and make it 0 (gpgcheck=0)
save and exit.

4.Run following commands;

#yum clean all
#yum update all

Now you can easily install any package without looking for package in dvd
yum install httpd


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  1. Add IP to network interface card